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Cover of the book NBA Jam by Reyan Ali. It has a picture of a basketball on fire on lightly orange field. Not sure what to expect of this book. I quite liked the other Boss Fights books that I read, so hopefully even though I have no feelings about this game whatsoever I'll like reading this one too.

AuthorReyan Ali
Started On[2025-02-25]
27 / 384

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Super Mario RPG

Box art for Super Mario RPG for the Switch. It features Bowser and Princess Peach in the background, with Geno, Mario, and Mallow in front, and the title Super Mario RPG in the foreground. I've played this game a few times on the Super Nintendo, but never finished it. When the remake was released on Switch it seemed like a good reason to try and play it again.

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Date: 2025-02-25 Tue 16:42

Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.7.20)